Friday, July 23, 2004

Forfeit, friendly

Not a bad performance  last night from a very depleted Dazzlers.  It
needed a couple of loan players from BT (thanks due for 2 of our 4
runs) and Simon's youngsters padding out our lineup (kudos to
Dylan getting on base twice) for us even to field the, err, seven we started with.   Umpire obstinacy forced us to forfeit
the League match, but the 0-7 defeat that translates to is a lot
closer than most teams have managed against the league-leading BT

That settled, we got down to a very friendly game, with BT coach
Mo umpiring as well as catching for us and calling plays for them.
 The 16-4 defeat could have been closer without some of our
outfielding errors (OK, I still haven't found the right glove...),
but then big-swinging BT, boasting players competing this weekend
in the Nationals, are not what we think of as Rookies.   Just to rub
things in, their solid defence was based on an all-female infield,
mocking our trademark shortage of girls.   Dazzlers held them within
bounds thanks to very strong pitching from Paul (no walks allowed) and reliable first base play from Loureta, shrugging off an injured knee.

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